
Sustainability software for carbon accounting and CSRD reporting

For manufacturing companies

Chart which projects the reduction on emissions to the goal of being net zero until 2023.Split on emissions of Scope 1, 2 and 3 data.

One central management system — many benefits

Recurring time savings
Weeks to a complete balance sheet
Months Return on Investment
Customer retention and renewal rate

Complying with EU regulations

Tightening regulatory obligations, such as the CSRD directive, along with growing customer demands, present sustainability challenges for many manufacturing companies. Tanso, with its holistic approach tailored to industrial companies, helps meet requirements efficiently, achieve competitive advantages, and consistently save time and costs.

Produktmodule des Tanso CSRD Modul.

Recognised by

Logo: Kofinanziert von der EUISO LogoLogo GHG ProtocollLogo des VDMAZertifizierungssiegel nach ISO27001CCF TÜV LogoPCF TÜV Logo

Discover valuable resources on sustainability topics

Tanso provides insights on EU regulations and sustainable development, offers practical tips, and guides you toward successful reporting

Discover Tanso –
Your comprehensive solution for sustainability reporting

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